Are you struggling with how to add some green into your living room? I'm not talking cash, I'm talking about one of my favorite colours: Green.
With St. Patrick's Day coming up this week, spring is right around the corner. And that means finally an end to all this white (please! enough already) and the emergence of green. Green is the colour most abundant in nature, and if Mother Nature is on board, so am I!
My top 10 picks for a green inspired living room
Velvet is hot hot hot this year. Try a sofa in a stunning emerald tone, keep the lines clean and simple like this one.
Green velvet sofa. source
Wallpaper still continues to enjoy it's revival and and why not mix in another trend we're seeing: palms. How about going big and bold with a stunning wall mural?
I know this chair isn't green, but let's imagine it with that fabulous lumbar cushion above and the green floor poof in front.
And let's not forget a paint colour. How about this one from Benjamin Moore called Cat's Eye.
Not wanting to decorate your home around a holiday? Of course not. But if you've got a space that needs an update, contact me for more details on design packages and custom moodboards.
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